For the first time, television introduced us to the world of screens.
Today, no minute goes by without someone engaging with a screen, be it a computer or a smartphone.

However, we shall soon approach the era of screenless interaction, often known as Zero UI.

Many gadgets and apps, such Google Home, Apple Siri, and Amazon Echo, currently interact with their customers without the need of a touchscreen.

What Is Zero UI?

Zero UI refers to interacting with a device or application without the use of a touchscreen.

Touchscreens will soon become obsolete as the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more prevalent.

Humans will be able to connect with machines through natural methods like as speech, movement, looks, and even thoughts, thanks to zero UI technology.

Zero UI is already in use on a variety of devices, including smart speakers and IoT devices.

As of 2018, 16 percent of Americans (about 39 million) own a smart speaker, with 11% owning an Amazon Alexa device and 4% owning a Google Home device.

From making a phone call to buying groceries, zero UI is quickly becoming the norm.

Components of Zero UI

To create Zero UI-based gadgets, IT companies all around the world are adopting a range of technologies.

Almost all of these innovations are connected to IoT devices, such as smart automobiles, smart home appliances, and smart workplace equipment.

Haptic Feedback

Haptic feedback is a motion or vibration-based feedback system.

Haptic feedback is the gentle vibration you feel when typing a message on your smartphone.

This technology is used by most smartwatches and fitness gadgets to inform the user.

How Will Zero Ul Affect Web Design?

Although Zero UI may appear to be the end of visual interfaces, this is highly improbable.

People are visual creatures. We can remember visual information better and for longer periods of time.
As a result, Zero UI will not eliminate displays. However, it will permanently alter the current paradigm of online design.
The foundations of Zero UI design will be contactless management and anticipatory thinking. The current web design is based on linear sequences because it is two-dimensional.

For example, basic voice commands like “Call my father,” “Call an Uber,” or “Tell me the score of yesterday’s Knicks game” are frequently used in voice search.

However, combining them, such as “call my father, then take an Uber, then tell me the Knicks game score from last night,” will almost certainly render your voice search query meaningless.

To manage the complexities of human speech, web design will have to change.